Inner Joins Gone Wrong? (SQL)

Inner Joins Gone Wrong? (SQL)

2023, Jan 29    

What happens when you join on non-primary keys vs primary keys?

While working on a guided project doing an inner join, I discovered a problem with the resulting table. I had checked the size of the two tables I was joining and expected my results to have a wider, but shorter table. The width grew as expected, but the number of rows increase by more than double! Perplexed, I took to the internet to dig deeper into the mechanics of joins and why my join was growing instead of shrinking. Turns out the variable I was joining on was not a primary key and so had duplicate values in both tables. It reality it was performing more of a cross join than an inner join.

I wanted to share my learning with my cohort and anyone else who wants to understand how an inner join (applies to other joins as well) behaves with primary and non-primary keys with duplicate values. The PDF below walks you through examples of the behavior of inner joins with unique values and duplicate values. 700x775

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